Cardiff West Community High School

class charts

Class Charts is the tool we use in Cardiff West CHS, for monitoring behaviour, rewarding success, logging attendance and communicating with parents and carers. 

On starting Cardiff West CHS, all pupils are set up with an account. This account can also be linked to a parent or carer account so that you get regular updates about your child in school and can directly liaise with teachers and support staff.

You can access your Class Charts account via the website or by downloading the app on android or iOS. We will send you log in details when your child starts at the school but if you need them sent to you again, please ask a member of your child's year group pastoral team or by contacting reception.

Follow the button links to access the relevant App
Links to each of the Class Charts Parent and Student Portals are also available via the school website, within the respective Parent and Student menu tabs.


Android and iOS parent and student apps are also available and may be accessed using the links found on the login page of the ClassCharts web portal – follow the button links above.
Google Classroom is also utilised for student’s homework, although the work set will always appear on ClassCharts with a link to the homework tasks set on Google Classroom.
Both parents and students are able to set up their personal Class Charts account, using the unique code which was distributed to each of them – any parent who has mislaid their code can obtain a new one by emailing the school –  

Parents/carers are able to set up an account for each parent/carer using the same code.
Families with more than one child at the school should set up one Class Chart account and then use the ‘Add Pupil’ option to add their other children to their account, using the code(s) supplied for each child.

NB. Students need to keep their unique login code safe – this is required if they are automatically logged out of their account. (This code can be found under the ‘My Code’ option if they are logged into their account on a different device)

For additional help, view the ‘ClassCharts Guide for Parents’ on the ClassCharts website.