Cardiff West Community High School


There are many proven benefits to wearing a school uniform.  At Cardiff West CHS we believe our school uniform is key towards developing a sense of togetherness amongst students.  Research further proves wearing school uniform creates cohesion, reduces the potential for bullying, improves work ethic, increases safety, removes peer pressure and prepares our students for the outside world.


Following a successful trial last summer, we have updated our uniform policy to include tailored knee-length black shorts.  Shorts of any other format, e.g. sports shorts, cycling shorts, jersey shorts are not acceptable.  


The amended uniform policy now consists of:

  • All black footwear 
  • Black trousers, black skirt or black knee-length tailored shorts
  • White shirt (short or long sleeve)
  • School tie
  • School bag



  • Crocs are not acceptable footwear

  • Leggings, jogging bottoms or jeggings are not appropriate trousers

  • Skirts should be of an appropriate length

  • No form of sports shorts are acceptable


Our usual policy will apply to any pupils who are not in the correct uniform:


  1. Parents will be asked to bring appropriate uniform to the school or authorise for their child to return home to change.
  2. Uniform will be offered via our Uniform Shop (fresh laundered uniform on a daily basis)
  3. Pupils will work in our Ready2Learn provision with work suitable for their year group and ability.