Exams at Cardiff West Community High School
This page will be updated when new information is available about examinations for both GCSEs and A/AS levels for students at Cardiff West Community High School. If students have any immediate queries, they should visit the examination office.
Otherwise, please contact the Exams Officer via email:
Cardiff West Community High School is a closed examination centre. Only Cardiff West Community High School students can sit exams on site.
All individual examination timetables are given out prior to exams commencing. This will be a few months before exams start. They will indicate where the exam is held and your seat number. You will be given your timetables either by your Head of Year or the Learning and Ethos Officer. The overall WJEC exam timetable is listed in the links below.
2025 Exam Timetables
Result and Certificates
Students receive an overview of their examination results on Results Day in August each year (these are not certificates). Certificates from these results are to be collected on collection day in December of the same year. Students who are leavers are expected to supply contact information for this purpose, and it is widely advertised on the school website and social media. Certificates are only kept for 1 year, and the student is responsible for collecting their certificates or arranging for their collection. Certificates are not mailed out.
Coping with exam pressure
The pressure to do well can really get on top of you and only add to the existing stress of exams. It could be from your school, your family, your friends, or yourself. Even if the people around you aren’t putting pressure on you, you might still want to make them proud. Just remember, no matter what your results, your mental health is important too.
Whether you feel stressed right before your exams, or if it builds up over time, here are some things you can do to ease the pressure:
Be kind to yourself
Reflect on all the things you’ve already achieved, or outside of studying. Write a list of how you are doing well. Doing things you’re good at and enjoy can really boost your self-esteem.
Talk about feeling under pressure 
If you are feeling the pressure of exams, just take a deep breath. Be honest with teachers and parents about what you think you can handle. Make it clear if your expectations are different from theirs. And if you need to, have a word with a teacher you trust about the stress you're under.
Try not to stress about how others are preparing for exams. Focus on what you can do. You might feel like other people are doing really well or revising more than you. We're all different and that's okay. Remember, your friends are coping with exam stress to support each other.
Tips for Exams
Preparing for exams
• Make a revision timetable to look at what subjects you need to revise to create a plan.
• Revise in sections for an hour, then take a break. Let your mind take in the information, go back and test yourself to see how much you remember.
• Use flash cards, highlighters, bullet point key facts, get a friend to test you
• Re-read over your notes, write them out in a shorter format
On the day of the exam
• Prepare your items the night before so you are ready
• Have a good breakfast, drink water to hydrate your brain.
• Look over your revision notes and take a deep breath, give it your best shot.
Useful links
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
On Screen Examination Information